Find the point on the line 7x+5y−2=0 which is closest to the point (−6,−2).

To find the point on the line 7x + 5y - 2 = 0 that is closest to the point (-6, -2), we need to find the perpendicular distance between the given point and the line.

First, let's rewrite the equation of the line in slope-intercept form, y = mx + b, where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept.

Rearranging the given equation, we have:
5y = -7x + 2
y = (-7/5)x + (2/5)

So the slope of the line is -7/5.

The slope of any line perpendicular to this line will be the negative reciprocal of -7/5, which is 5/7.

Now we can use the point-slope form of a line to find the equation of the line passing through (-6, -2) with a slope of 5/7.

Using the point-slope form:
y - y₁ = m(x - x₁)
y - (-2) = (5/7)(x - (-6))
y + 2 = (5/7)(x + 6)

y + 2 = (5/7)x + 30/7
y = (5/7)x + 30/7 - 14/7
y = (5/7)x + 16/7

Now we have two lines:
1. The original line: y = (-7/5)x + (2/5)
2. The line passing through (-6, -2): y = (5/7)x + 16/7

To find the point where these two lines intersect, we can set them equal to each other and solve for x:
(-7/5)x + (2/5) = (5/7)x + (16/7)

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 35 to eliminate the denominators, we get:
-49x + 14 = 25x + 80

Adding 49x and subtracting 14 from both sides, we have:
-49x - 25x = 80 - 14
-74x = 66

Dividing both sides by -74, we find:
x = -66/74

Simplifying further, we have:
x = -33/37

Now, substitute this value of x back into either of the two line equations to find the value of y. Let's use the line passing through (-6, -2):
y = (5/7)(-33/37) + 16/7
y = -165/259 + 464/259
y = 299/259

So the point on the line 7x + 5y - 2 = 0 that is closest to the point (-6, -2) is approximately (-33/37, 299/259).

To find the point on the line 7x + 5y - 2 = 0 that is closest to the point (-6, -2), we can use the formula for the distance between a point and a line.

Step 1: Rewriting the line equation in slope-intercept form.

Rewrite the given equation 7x + 5y - 2 = 0 in slope-intercept form, which is y = mx + b.

To do this, isolate y by subtracting 7x from both sides of the equation:

5y = -7x + 2.

Now divide both sides of the equation by 5 to solve for y:

y = (-7/5)x + 2/5.

So, the slope-intercept form of the line is y = (-7/5)x + 2/5.

Step 2: Finding the slope of the line perpendicular to the given line.

To find the perpendicular slope, flip the sign of the slope of the given line and change the sign:

The given slope is -7/5, so the perpendicular slope is 5/7.

Step 3: Finding the equation of the line passing through the point (-6, -2) with the perpendicular slope.

Using the point-slope form of a line, where (x1, y1) is the given point and m is the perpendicular slope:

y - y1 = m(x - x1),

Substitute the given values (-6, -2) and the perpendicular slope (5/7) into the equation:

y - (-2) = (5/7)(x - (-6)).

Simplify the equation:

y + 2 = (5/7)(x + 6).

Step 4: Finding the point of intersection of the two lines.

To find the point of intersection, set the equations of the lines equal to each other:

(-7/5)x + 2/5 = (5/7)(x + 6).

Multiply both sides of the equation by 35 to get rid of the denominators:

-35(7/5)x + 35(2/5) = 35(5/7)(x + 6).

This simplifies to:

-49x + 14 = 25(x + 6).

Expand and simplify:

-49x + 14 = 25x + 150.

Rearrange the equation to isolate x:

-49x - 25x = 150 - 14.

Combine like terms:

-74x = 136.

Divide both sides of the equation by -74 to solve for x:

x = -136/74.

Simplify the fraction:

x = -68/37.

Step 5: Finding the y-coordinate of the point of intersection.

Substitute the value of x = -68/37 into the equation y = (-7/5)x + 2/5:

y = (-7/5)(-68/37) + 2/5.

Simplify the equation:

y = 476/185 + 2/5.

Find a common denominator and add the fractions:

y = (476/185) + (2/5) = (476/185) + (74/185) = 550/185.

Simplify the fraction:

y = 10/37.

Step 6: The point on the line closest to (-6, -2) is (-68/37, 10/37).

the shortest distance will be along the line perpendicular, which passes through (-6,-2)

The given line has slope -7/5, so the perpendicular has slope 5/7

y+2 = 5/7 (x+6)

The two lines intersect at (-33/37,61/37)
Or, you can figure the distance to (-6,-2) knowing that y = (2-7x)/5:

d^2 = (-6-x)^2 + (-2-((2-7x)/5))^2)
= 1/25 (74x^2 + 132x + 1044)
dd/dx = (37x+33)/√(nonzero junk)
(x,y) = (-33/37,61/37)
Or, you can find where the circle at (-6,-2) is tangent to the line. That will be where

(x+6)^2 + (y+2)^2 = r^2 and
y = (2-7x)/5

intersect in a single point.

25(x+6)^2 + (7x-2)^2 = 25r^2
74x^2 + 272x + 904-24r^2 = 0

If there is a single solution, the discriminant is zero, so

262^2 - 4(74)(904-24r^2) = 0
r^2 = 49375/1776
So, we have
25(x+6)^2 + (7x-2)^2 = 25*49375/1776
I trust we will come up with the same point. You can verify if you wish.