Will you please check my answers?

1. Single-celled organisms that do not have a membrane-bound nucleus are called
A. organelles.
B. prokaryotes.
C. Golgi bodies.
D. eukaryotes.

2. In cells, a form of active transport is
A. a sodium-potassium pump.
B. osmosis.
C. facilitated diffusion.
D. simple diffusion.

3. A carbon molecule that has a different arrangement of atoms is known as a/an
A. monomer.
B. peptide.
C. nucleotide.
D. isomer.

4. The least usable form of energy is
A. food.
B. heat.
C. a calorie.

5. In the electron transport chain, the main purpose of the _______ we breathe is to keep electrons moving
along from the first to the last chemical carrier.
A. oxygen
B. nitrogen
C. atoms
D. carbon dioxide

6. Short, hairlike projections called _______ enable the motion of some eukaryotic cells.
A. microtubules
B. cilia
C. actinites
D. centrioles

7. Glycerol is a subunit molecule of a
A. nucleic acid.
B. lipid.
C. carbohydrate.
D. protein.

8. An element that speeds up chemical reactions is called a/an
A. solvent.
B. calorie.
C. enzyme.
D. substrate.

9. Plants and algae are remarkable in that they can make all the organic compounds they need from the end
product of the Calvin cycle, which is
A. RuBP carboxylase.
B. G3P molecules.
D. carbon dioxide.

10. A substance that's attracted to water molecules is called
A. cohesive.
B. adhesive.
C. hydrophilic.
D. hydrophobic.

11. What happens during glycolysis?
A. Hydrogen ions combine to form water.
B. Oxidation takes place in the matrix of mitochondria.
C. Glucose breaks down into two molecules of pyruvate.
D. The oxidation of pyruvate forms NADH and CO2.

12. In a eukaryotic cell, a network of protein filaments called _______ helps maintain the shape of the cell.
A. ribosomes
B. the nucleolus
C. the cytoskeleton
D. organelles

13. The energy used by living organisms on Earth comes from
A. volcanoes.
B. the sun.
C. the oceans.
D. fossil fuels.

14. The process by which a biologist uses creative thought to find a pattern among isolated facts is called
A. inductive reasoning.
B. simple reasoning.
C. proving a theory.
D. proving a hypothesis.

15. Biology is the study of
A. the physical world.
B. plants.
C. animals.
D. life.

16. The monomers of nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, are known as
A. proteins.
B. nucleotides.
C. nuclei.
D. polypeptides.

17. Which one of the following events occurs during Calvin cycle reactions?
A. ATP is produced.
B. Chlorophyll energizes electrons.
C. Carbohydrates are produced.
D. An enzyme helper becomes NADPH.

18. The tiny particles that comprise an element are called
A. protons.
B. atoms.
C. ions.
D. nuclei.

19. According to the octet rule, an atom with two electron shells is most stable when it contains eight
A. neutrons.
B. protons.
C. electrons.
D. isotopes.

20. In the leaves of flowering plants, where does the process of photosynthesis occur?
A. In glucose
B. Between chlorophylls
C. In stomata
D. In chloroplasts

My answers:
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. D
16. B
17. D
18. B
19. A
20. D

Jiskha doesn't have a regular biology tutor, so I suggest you post these questions and your answers in this forum.


It would be easier to check if you only put 4 or 5 questions and their answers in each post.

5. A

9. B
14. No Idea
17. I would go with B, but I am not 100% sure.
19. C


To check your answers, let's go through each question and find the correct choices:

1. Single-celled organisms that do not have a membrane-bound nucleus are called
Answer: B. prokaryotes.

2. In cells, a form of active transport is
Answer: A. a sodium-potassium pump.

3. A carbon molecule that has a different arrangement of atoms is known as a/an
Answer: D. isomer.

4. The least usable form of energy is
Answer: B. heat.

5. In the electron transport chain, the main purpose of the _______ we breathe is to keep electrons moving along from the first to the last chemical carrier.
Answer: A. oxygen.

6. Short, hairlike projections called _______ enable the motion of some eukaryotic cells.
Answer: B. cilia.

7. Glycerol is a subunit molecule of a
Answer: B. lipid.

8. An element that speeds up chemical reactions is called a/an
Answer: C. enzyme.

9. Plants and algae are remarkable in that they can make all the organic compounds they need from the end product of the Calvin cycle, which is
Answer: B. G3P molecules.

10. A substance that's attracted to water molecules is called
Answer: C. hydrophilic.

11. What happens during glycolysis?
Answer: C. Glucose breaks down into two molecules of pyruvate.

12. In a eukaryotic cell, a network of protein filaments called _______ helps maintain the shape of the cell.
Answer: C. the cytoskeleton.

13. The energy used by living organisms on Earth comes from
Answer: B. the sun.

14. The process by which a biologist uses creative thought to find a pattern among isolated facts is called
Answer: A. inductive reasoning.

15. Biology is the study of
Answer: D. life.

16. The monomers of nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, are known as
Answer: B. nucleotides.

17. Which one of the following events occurs during Calvin cycle reactions?
Answer: C. Carbohydrates are produced.

18. The tiny particles that comprise an element are called
Answer: B. atoms.

19. According to the octet rule, an atom with two electron shells is most stable when it contains eight
Answer: C. electrons.

20. In the leaves of flowering plants, where does the process of photosynthesis occur?
Answer: D. In chloroplasts.

Based on the correct answers, your responses are as follows:
1. Correct
2. Correct
3. Incorrect (The correct answer is D, not C)
4. Correct
5. Incorrect (The correct answer is A, not B)
6. Correct
7. Correct
8. Correct
9. Correct
10. Correct
11. Correct
12. Correct
13. Correct
14. Correct
15. Correct
16. Correct
17. Incorrect (The correct answer is A, not C)
18. Correct
19. Incorrect (The correct answer is C, not A)
20. Correct

So, out of the 20 questions, you answered 16 correctly.