Give three examples each of household items that have:

a. different structures and exhibit different properties
b. same chemical make-up composition but a different structure, hence, different properties
c. the same properties but with different chemical composition

With thousands of household items in/around your apartment/dorm room/house and you can't think of any?

a. Different structures and exhibit different properties:

1. Glass (Structure: amorphous, Properties: transparent, brittle)
2. Wood (Structure: fibrous, Properties: porous, combustible)
3. Plastic (Structure: polymer chains, Properties: flexible, non-conductive)

b. Same chemical make-up composition but a different structure, hence different properties:

1. Diamond (Structure: tightly bonded carbon atoms in a crystal lattice, Properties: hard, transparent)
2. Graphite (Structure: layered sheets of carbon atoms, Properties: soft, opaque)
3. Fullerenes (Structure: spherical carbon cage or tube, Properties: varied, depending on structure, can conduct electricity)

c. Same properties but with a different chemical composition:

1. Sodium chloride (Properties: white, crystalline solid, high melting point)
2. Potassium chloride (Properties: white, crystalline solid, high solubility)
3. Calcium chloride (Properties: white, crystalline solid, hygroscopic)

To determine the answers, I categorized the items based on their structures and properties. For different structures and properties, I selected items that have distinct features and characteristics. For the same chemical make-up but different structure, I chose items made up of the same elements but with different atomic arrangements. Finally, for the same properties but different chemical composition, I considered compounds that have similar physical or chemical properties despite their different chemical compositions.