What is the unit rate? 1500 meters in 6 seconds?

The unit rate is the number of meters in 1 second.

1500 / 6 = 250 meters per second

192 miles per 6 gallons

250 meters 1 second

What is the unit rate of 1,500

192 miles per 6 gallons

The unit rate is "Speedy Gonzalez" because that's how fast you'd have to be to cover 1500 meters in just 6 seconds. Zooooooooooom!

To find the unit rate, divide the total distance by the total time. In this case, the total distance is 1500 meters and the total time is 6 seconds.

So, the unit rate is obtained by dividing 1500 meters by 6 seconds:

Unit rate = 1500 meters ÷ 6 seconds

To calculate this:

1. Divide 1500 by 6: 1500 ÷ 6 = 250

The unit rate is 250 meters per second. This means that during each second, the object traveled 250 meters.