if a business associate from overseas refuses to look you in the eye while you and he are speaking , you should

Are these your choices?

A) understand that his culture may consider constant eye contact to be inappropriate in a business situation.
B) confront him and ask him why he will not look you in the eye.
C) recognize that he is not telling you the truth.
D) keep moving, until you force him to look you in the eye.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

If a business associate from overseas refuses to look you in the eye while you are speaking, here are a few steps you can take:

1. Understand cultural differences: Different cultures have varying norms and values when it comes to eye contact. In some cultures, avoiding direct eye contact is a sign of respect or humility, whereas in others, it may indicate dishonesty or lack of interest. Research and familiarize yourself with the cultural background of your business associate to gain insight into their behavior.

2. Be respectful and understanding: Instead of assuming negative intentions, approach the situation with an open mind. Recognize that cultural differences play a significant role in people's behavior and communication styles. Avoid jumping to conclusions or making snap judgments about their honesty or intentions based solely on eye contact.

3. Adapt your communication style: If you find it challenging to establish eye contact during conversations, focus on other aspects of effective communication, such as active listening, maintaining an open posture, and using appropriate verbal and non-verbal cues to show your understanding and engagement. Demonstrate your respect and interest by asking thoughtful questions and ensuring clear and concise communication.

4. Seek clarification and address concerns: If you feel uncomfortable or believe that the lack of eye contact is causing misunderstandings, respectfully communicate your concerns to your business associate. Frame the conversation in a non-accusatory manner, emphasizing your desire for effective communication and a mutual understanding of expectations.

5. Engage in relationship-building activities: Building rapport and trust with your business associate can help create a more comfortable environment for communication. Participate in cultural exchange activities, invite them to social events, or engage in informal conversations to foster a stronger professional relationship over time.

Remember, effective cross-cultural communication requires patience, understanding, and adaptability. By approaching the situation with empathy and open-mindedness, you can navigate cultural differences and build stronger connections with your overseas business associates.

If those are your choices, A.