1) Mi padre le compró a mi madre algo ________: una pulsera muy bonita con su nombre.

A. encantada
B. fascinante
C. divertida
D. personal
I said D

2) Muchos _____ fueron al baile.
A. trajes
B. aretes
C. invitados
D. initaciones
I said C

3) Pienso llevar _______ al baile elegante. Mi novio dice que va a llevar _________.
A. calcetines / zapatos de tacón alto
B. un vestido de fiesta / un traje
C. ropa / una reunión
D. tenis / tenis también
I said B

4) ¿Vas al concierto?
Sí, pero no me siento bien. Creo que voy ________ .
A. a pasarlo mal
B. a pasarle bien
C. a invitar a alguien
D. a bailar con alguien
I said C

5) ¿Piensas comprar algo en la tienda de regalos?
No,no tengo mucho dinero. ______ voy a comprar ________.
A. Nada / nunca
B. no / nada
C. no,no / nadie
D. Tampoco / algo
I said D

6) En esta foto mi hermano y yo _______
A. está paseando en bote
B. están descansando
C. estamos subiendo la pirámide
D. estás buceando
I said C
7) No invite _____ de la clase.
A. ninguna persona
B. a alguna persona
C. a alguien
D. a nadie
I said A

8) ¿Ves a Eduardo? ¿Quién es la joven con quien ________________?
A. están jugando tenis
B. está hablando
C. estás pasándolo bien
D. estoy bailando
I said D

9) Mamá, quiero saber qué me dan tú y papá.
Yo, _______________ unos arétes de México; el regalo de papá va a ser una sorpresa.
A. te damos
B. te doy
C. me dan
D. le dan
I said C

10) ¿A quién estás _______?
A mis parientes en Argentina.
A. comiendo
B. escribiendo
C. saliendo
D. decorado
I said B

11) Qué les dan Uds. A los gemelos para su cumpleaños?
Generalmente ________ dinero.
A. les damos
B. les dan
C. nos damos
D. les doy
I said D

12) ¿Invitas solo a tus amigos a la fiesta de cumpleaños?
__________ También invite a mis parientes.
A. ¡De ninguna manera!
B. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
C. ¡Encantado!
D. ¡Bueno!
I said A

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

#4 Concentrate on "I don't feel well" so the answer is A

#5 I don't have much money; I'm not buying anything = B
#7 will still need a "personal A" so the answer is D (no one)
#8 Do you see Edward? Wo is the young lady with whom HE is talking? = B
#9 What are you and Dad giving me? I'm.....and your Dad is... = B
#11 = you continually miss the PLURAL verb in the question = what are you-all giving the twins? WE are giving them = A
#12 "sólo" is the short form for the adverb "only" so it requires an accent mark. solamente does not.

This time y ou missed 4 of 12 = 1/3. Still not good enough.


I'll flag this one as well, to see if you have any questions today or tomorrow.

1) The correct answer is D. To determine the correct answer, you should understand the context of the sentence. The sentence mentions that the father bought something for the mother, specifically "a very nice bracelet with her name". The word "personal" fits the context because it implies that the bracelet is customized and has the mother's name on it.

2) The correct answer is C. To answer this question, you should identify the word that fits the context. The sentence mentions that many people attended the dance. The word "invitados" fits the context because it means guests or attendees.

3) The correct answer is B. To answer this question, you should analyze the sentence and choose the word that fits the given context. The sentence mentions that the speaker plans to wear something to the elegant dance, specifically "a party dress". The speaker's boyfriend says he will wear something too. The combination "un vestido de fiesta / un traje" fits the context because it matches the description of the speaker's and the boyfriend's attire.

4) The correct answer is A. To answer this question, you should analyze the sentence and choose the phrase that fits the given context. The speaker states that they are not feeling well and thinks they will go to the concert... "a pasarlo mal" fits the context because it means to have a bad time.

5) The correct answer is D. To answer this question, you should analyze the sentence and choose the phrase that fits the given context. The person states that they don't have much money and therefore won't buy anything in the gift shop. "Tampoco / algo" fits the context because it means "neither / anything".

6) The correct answer is C. To answer this question, you should analyze the sentence and choose the phrase that fits the given context. The sentence refers to a photo of the speaker's brother and the speaker, so the correct pronoun to use is the first-person plural "estamos". The phrase "estamos subiendo la pirámide" fits the context because it means "we are climbing the pyramid".

7) The correct answer is A. To answer this question, you should analyze the sentence and choose the phrase that fits the given context. The sentence mentions that the speaker didn't invite anyone from the class. The phrase "ninguna persona" fits the context because it means "no person".

8) The correct answer is B. To answer this question, you should analyze the sentence and choose the phrase that fits the given context. The question asks who the young woman is talking with. The phrase "está hablando" fits the context because it means "is talking".

9) The correct answer is C. To answer this question, you should analyze the sentence and choose the phrase that fits the given context. The sentence mentions that the speaker wants to know what they will receive from their mother and father. The phrase "me dan" fits the context because it means "they give me".

10) The correct answer is B. To answer this question, you should analyze the sentence and choose the phrase that fits the given context. The question asks who the speaker is writing to. The phrase "a mis parientes en Argentina" fits the context because it means "to my relatives in Argentina".

11) The correct answer is D. To answer this question, you should analyze the sentence and choose the phrase that fits the given context. The sentence mentions that the speaker generally gives money to the twins for their birthday. The phrase "les doy" fits the context because it means "I give them".

12) The correct answer is A. To answer this question, you should analyze the sentence and choose the phrase that fits the given context. The question asks if the speaker only invited their friends to the birthday party. The phrase "¡De ninguna manera!" fits the context because it means "No way!" or "Absolutely not!"