a students weighs 1o quaters and finds that their total mass is 56.63 grams . what should she report as the average mass of a quarter based on her data

56.63 / 10 = ?


To find the average mass of a quarter based on the given data, you need to divide the total mass by the number of quarters. Here's how you can do it:

1. Determine the total mass of the quarters: The total mass given is 56.63 grams.

2. Count the number of quarters: The number of quarters is given as 10.

3. Divide the total mass by the number of quarters to find the average mass:
Average Mass = Total Mass / Number of Quarters
= 56.63 grams / 10 quarters

Calculating this equation, you will get:
Average Mass = 5.663 grams per quarter

Therefore, the student should report the average mass of a quarter as 5.663 grams based on her data.