A 5 liter vessel contains 2g of hydrogen and 28g of nitrogen at 27 temperature.find to total mixture ?

Your question isn't clear as to what you want. The total mixture in grams is 28 + 2 = 30g but I doubt that is what you want. Whatever you want; however, I expect you can get it with PV = nRT

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To find the total mixture, you need to add the amounts of hydrogen and nitrogen together.

- Hydrogen: 2g
- Nitrogen: 28g

Step 1: Find the total mass of the mixture
Add the mass of hydrogen and nitrogen together:
Total mass = 2g + 28g
Total mass = 30g

Step 2: Find the total volume of the mixture
The total volume is given as 5 liters.

Step 3: Determine the temperature
The temperature is given as 27°C.

Note: It is important to make sure the temperature is in Kelvin (K) before proceeding with calculations. To convert from Celsius to Kelvin, simply add 273.15 to the temperature.

Given: Temperature = 27°C
Temperature in Kelvin = 27 + 273.15 = 300.15 K

Therefore, the total mass of the mixture is 30g, the total volume is 5 liters, and the temperature is 300.15 K.