Find the difference between the sum of 378 and 401 and the product of 43 and 17


(378 + 401) - (43 * 17) = ?


To find the difference between the sum of 378 and 401 and the product of 43 and 17, we first need to calculate both values separately and then subtract one from the other.

Step 1: Find the sum of 378 and 401.
We simply add these two numbers together:
378 + 401 = 779.

Step 2: Find the product of 43 and 17.
We multiply these two numbers together:
43 × 17 = 731.

Step 3: Find the difference between the sum and the product.
We subtract the product from the sum:
779 - 731 = 48.

So, the difference between the sum of 378 and 401 and the product of 43 and 17 is 48.