If you conclude that the participant's in a study are a representative sample, then you can from the research sample to the larger population.

a. replicate
b. speculate
e. none of the above


The correct answer is c. generalize.

When the participant's in a study are considered to be a representative sample, it means that they appropriately represent the larger population from which they were selected. This allows researchers to draw conclusions from the research sample and apply them to the larger population. This process is known as generalization.

The correct answer is option c. generalize.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and its options. The question is asking about the outcome of concluding that the participants in a study are a representative sample. The process of concluding that the participants are representative means that the sample is likely to accurately represent the population it is drawn from. In other words, the characteristics and behavior of the participants in the study can be generalized or applied to a larger population.

Option a, replicate, refers to reproducing or repeating the study, which may not be necessary to reach a conclusion about the representativeness of the sample.

Option b, speculate, means making guesses or conjectures without sufficient evidence or confidence, which is not applicable in this case since we are discussing a conclusion based on evidence of representativeness.

Option d, sample, is the act of selecting a subset from a larger population, which is already happening in the study. However, the question is about what can be done if the sample is representative, not about the act of sampling itself.

Therefore, option c, generalize, is the correct answer because if the participants in the study are indeed a representative sample, we can make generalizations about the larger population based on the findings from that sample.