express each answer in exponential form using the indicated bases 4x4x4x4,base 2



4x4x4x4, base 2

To express the answer 4x4x4x4 in exponential form using base 2, we need to convert 4 into a power of 2.

We know that 2^2 = 4. Therefore, we can rewrite 4 as (2^2) and rewrite the answer as:

(2^2) x (2^2) x (2^2) x (2^2)

Now, we can simplify by using the rule of exponents which states that when multiplying like bases, we add the exponents:


Simplifying further:


So, the answer 4x4x4x4 in exponential form using base 2 is 2^8.

To express the answer in exponential form using base 2, we need to convert the given base (4) into base 2.

First, let's convert 4 into base 2:
4 divided by 2 equals 2 with a remainder of 0.
2 divided by 2 equals 1 with a remainder of 0.
1 divided by 2 equals 0 with a remainder of 1.

Now, reading the remainders in reverse order gives us the base 2 representation of 4, which is 100.

To express the expression 4x4x4x4 in exponential form with base 2, we can rewrite it as (2^2) * (2^2) * (2^2) * (2^2).

Using the exponent property that says when multiplying numbers with the same base, we add their exponents, we can simplify this to:

2^(2+2+2+2) = 2^8.

Therefore, the answer in exponential form with base 2 is 2^8.