Michael is entirely _____ in gambling.

A. disinterested
B. noninterested
C. misinterested
D. uninterested

Answer is "D"


Thank you

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand the meaning of the word "uninterested" and then eliminate the other options:

1. A. "Disinterested" means unbiased or impartial. It doesn't convey the meaning of lacking interest, so it can be ruled out.

2. B. "Noninterested" is not a commonly used term in the English language. It is more accurate to use "uninterested" to express a lack of interest, so we can rule this option out as well.

3. C. "Misinterested" is also not a commonly used term and doesn't accurately describe someone who lacks interest. It can be eliminated.

This leaves us with option D, "uninterested." "Uninterested" is the correct term to use when describing someone who lacks interest or enthusiasm. Therefore, option D is the suitable answer for the given statement.