Which 2 words are most nearly opposite meaning?

a. expend, b. retrieve, c. denounce, d. idolize

Is it
expend & retrieve? or

denounce & idolize?

Expend means to spend or use up. It's not the opposite of retrieve. The opposites are denounce & idolize.

doesn't retrieve also mean to save?

No. Retrieve means to get something back.



To determine which two words are most nearly opposite in meaning, we can look for pairs of words that have contrasting meanings. Let's analyze each option:

a. "expend" means to use up or spend, whereas "retrieve" means to bring back or regain. These words do have contrasting meanings, but they are not exactly opposite. For example, you can expend energy without retrieving anything, and you can retrieve something without expending any effort.

c. "denounce" means to publicly criticize or condemn, while "idolize" means to admire or worship. These words do represent opposite meanings as they describe completely different attitudes towards something or someone. Denouncing involves disapproval, while idolizing involves admiration.

Therefore, the two words "denounce" and "idolize" are most nearly opposite in meaning among the provided options.