Berry is standing at the edge of a hill that slopes downward and to the right. He notices that for every 5 feet you go in a horizontal direction, the hill drops by 2 feet. Berry places a ball at the edge of the hill (the origin of the coordinate system), and kicks the ball at a speed of 20 m/s and at an angle of 30o to the horizontal.

To determine the trajectory of the ball kicked by Berry, we can split its motion into horizontal and vertical components.

Let's begin by finding the horizontal component of the ball's velocity. We know that the initial speed of the ball is 20 m/s, and it is kicked at an angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal. The horizontal velocity (Vx) can be found by multiplying the initial speed (V0) by the cosine of the angle.

Vx = V0 * cos(angle)
Vx = 20 m/s * cos(30°)
Vx = 20 m/s * √3/2
Vx ≈ 20 m/s * 0.866
Vx ≈ 17.32 m/s

Therefore, the horizontal component of the ball's velocity is approximately 17.32 m/s.

Next, let's determine the vertical component of the ball's velocity. In this case, we're interested in the initial vertical velocity (Vy). The initial speed (V0) and angle (theta) can be used to find the vertical velocity using the sine function.

Vy = V0 * sin(angle)
Vy = 20 m/s * sin(30°)
Vy = 20 m/s * 0.5
Vy = 10 m/s

So, the vertical component of the ball's velocity is 10 m/s.

Now that we know the horizontal and vertical components of the ball's velocity, we can analyze its motion.

The horizontal motion of the ball is unaffected by the slope of the hill since there is no force acting in the horizontal direction. Therefore, the ball will continue moving horizontally with a constant velocity of approximately 17.32 m/s.

The vertical motion of the ball is influenced by gravity. The ball will experience a constant acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²) downward. The initial vertical velocity of 10 m/s will gradually decrease as the ball rises and then increases as the ball falls.

To determine the time it takes for the ball to hit the ground or any other vertical distance, we can use the equation of vertical motion:

y = Vyt + (1/2)gt²

y = vertical displacement (height or distance)
Vy = initial vertical velocity
t = time
g = acceleration due to gravity

Since we know the initial vertical velocity, we can rearrange this equation to solve for time:

t = (y - (1/2)gt²) / Vy

Suppose we want to determine the time it takes for the ball to hit the ground (y = 0):

t = (0 - (1/2)(9.8 m/s²)t²) / 10 m/s

Simplifying the equation:

0 = -4.9t² + 10t

Rearranging the equation:

4.9t² - 10t = 0

Applying the quadratic formula:

t = (-b ± √(b² - 4ac)) / 2a

For this equation, a = 4.9, b = -10, and c = 0:

t = (-(-10) ± √((-10)² - 4 * 4.9 * 0)) / 2 * 4.9
t = (10 ± √(100 - 0)) / 9.8
t = (10 ± √100) / 9.8
t = (10 ± 10) / 9.8

This gives two solutions:
t = 20 / 9.8 ≈ 2.04 seconds (when using the positive square root)
t = 0 / 9.8 = 0 seconds (when using the negative square root)

These solutions tell us that it takes approximately 2.04 seconds for the ball to hit the ground.

Please note that this analysis assumes ideal conditions without air resistance and neglects any effects caused by the slope of the hill.