My answers are at the bootom, please check them

at a restaurant the menu included the following choices:

coffee..... $3.50
soup of the day....... $5.95
garden salad..... $6.95
catch of the day.... market value
cheesecake...... $7.75

a.) sheeyin and kaitlyn each order coffee, soup of the day, garden salad, the catch of the day, and cheesecake. write a simplified expression to show the total cost for their meals

b.) write an expression to calculate a 15% tip on the total for their meal.

c.) the cctch of the day cost $14.95. what was the total bill including the tip?

my answers:

a.) 48.3 + 2mv

b.) 48.3 x 1.15= 55.545

c.) 48.3 + 29.9 = 78.2 x 1.15= 89.93

am i correct?

thanks :)

a and c are right.

b is wrong. The tip is not 55.45

oh um can you help me on b please


0.15(48.3 + 2mv)

thank you so much once again :)

You're very welcome.


a.) To calculate the total cost for Sheeyin and Kaitlyn's meals, you need to add up the individual costs for each item they ordered. Let's break it down:

Coffee: $3.50
Soup of the day: $5.95
Garden salad: $6.95
Catch of the day: We will represent it as "mv" (market value)
Cheesecake: $7.75

The simplified expression for the total cost would be: $3.50 + $5.95 + $6.95 + "mv" + $7.75. So, the correct expression would be 3.50 + 5.95 + 6.95 + mv + 7.75, or simply 24.15 + mv.

b.) To calculate a 15% tip on the total cost, you need to multiply the total cost by 0.15 (which is equivalent to 15%). The expression to calculate the tip on the total cost would be: 0.15 * (total cost expression). So, the correct expression would be 0.15 * (24.15 + mv).

c.) Now, let's assume the catch of the day costs $14.95. To calculate the total bill including the tip, you need to add the cost of the catch of the day to the total cost (without the tip), and then multiply the sum by 1.15 (to include the 15% tip). The correct expression for the total bill including the tip would be: 1.15 * (total cost expression + $14.95). So, the correct expression would be 1.15 * (24.15 + mv + $14.95), or simply 1.15 * (39.10 + mv).

Now, let's check your answers:

a.) Your answer 48.3 + 2mv is incorrect. It seems you have added the individual prices incorrectly. The correct total cost expression for their meals is 24.15 + mv.

b.) Your answer 48.3 * 1.15 = 55.545 is correct. Congratulations!

c.) Your answer 48.3 + 29.9 = 78.2 * 1.15 = 89.93 is incorrect. It seems you have calculated the total bill incorrectly. The correct expression for the total bill including the tip is 1.15 * (39.10 + mv). The correct calculation would be 1.15 * (39.10 + $14.95) = 1.15 * $54.05 = $62.16.

So, to summarize, your answer to b) is correct, but your answers to a) and c) are incorrect.