C) 0.05(0.3m + 35n) – 0.8(-0.09n – 22m) This is the given expression

I assume you want to simplify it. So, clear the parentheses to get

.015m + 1.75n + .072n + 17.6m

collect like terms to get

17.615m + 1.822n


To simplify the given expression, follow the order of operations (PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

1. Start by simplifying the expressions inside the parentheses:
- Within the first set of parentheses: 0.3m + 35n
- Within the second set of parentheses: -0.09n - 22m

2. Distribute the coefficients outside the parentheses to the terms inside:
- Multiply 0.05 by 0.3m and 35n
- Multiply -0.8 by -0.09n and -22m

3. Combine like terms:
- Combine the terms with the same variable(s)

Let's simplify the expression step-by-step:

Step 1: Simplify the expressions inside the parentheses:
- Within the first set of parentheses: 0.3m + 35n
- Within the second set of parentheses: -0.09n - 22m

Step 2: Distribute the coefficients outside the parentheses:
- Distribute 0.05 to 0.3m and 35n:
0.05 * 0.3m = 0.015m
0.05 * 35n = 1.75n

- Distribute -0.8 to -0.09n and -22m:
-0.8 * -0.09n = 0.072n
-0.8 * -22m = 17.6m

After applying the distributive property, the expression becomes:
0.015m + 1.75n - 0.072n - 17.6m

Step 3: Combine like terms:
Combine the terms with the same variable(s):
(0.015m - 17.6m) + (1.75n - 0.072n)

Simplify further:
-17.585m + 1.678n

Therefore, the simplified form of the given expression is:
-17.585m + 1.678n