Read the word in parentheses; then decide which of these sentences most effectively translates an abstract concept into a mental pictures.

A. (Freedom) On her twenty-first birthday, Lola declared herself a woman.

B. (Sunrise) The rising sun transformed the canyon into bright stone and deep shadow.

C. (Studious) Lucy lay on her bed reading a back issue of National Geographic.

D. (Rumors) Whispers of doubt filled the empty hall like the reek of boiled cabbage.

Answer is "B"

I agree.

Thank you

well, B is wrong.

To decide which sentence most effectively translates an abstract concept into a mental picture, you need to read the word in parentheses and then analyze each sentence in terms of its ability to create a vivid visual image related to that concept.

Let's go through each sentence:

A. (Freedom) On her twenty-first birthday, Lola declared herself a woman.
This sentence does not directly evoke a visual image related to freedom. It describes a personal declaration of adulthood and does not provide a strong connection to the concept of freedom.

B. (Sunrise) The rising sun transformed the canyon into bright stone and deep shadow.
This sentence directly relates to the concept of a sunrise, capturing the visual transformation of the canyon as the sun rises. It vividly describes the interplay of light (bright stone) and darkness (deep shadow), effectively creating a mental picture that represents a sunrise.

C. (Studious) Lucy lay on her bed reading a back issue of National Geographic.
This sentence describes Lucy engaging in a studious activity of reading a magazine. While it conveys the concept of being studious, it does not specifically create a vivid visual image related to that concept.

D. (Rumors) Whispers of doubt filled the empty hall like the reek of boiled cabbage.
This sentence uses the sensory detail of whispers filling an empty hall, comparing them to a strong unpleasant smell. While it creates a mental picture, it does not directly connect to the concept of rumors, but rather focuses on the sensory aspect of whispers.

Therefore, the sentence that most effectively translates the abstract concept into a mental picture is B, which relates to the concept of sunrise.