A clause from sentence (I) has been turned into a (n) _____ in sentence (ii).

(i) Since she knew what the lecture was about, she didn't attend the meeting.

(ii) Knowing what the lecture was about, she didn't attend the meeting.

A. compound predicate
B. infinitive
C. phrase
D. relative pronoun

Answer is "C"


Thank you

To determine the answer to this question, we need to analyze the given sentences. Sentence (i) states, "Since she knew what the lecture was about, she didn't attend the meeting." In this sentence, the clause "Since she knew what the lecture was about" functions as an adverbial clause modifying the main clause "she didn't attend the meeting."

Sentence (ii) is a modified form of sentence (i) and states, "Knowing what the lecture was about, she didn't attend the meeting." In this sentence, the clause "Knowing what the lecture was about" has been turned into a (n) _____.

To identify the appropriate option, we need to understand the different types of clauses. A compound predicate is a clause that expresses multiple actions or states of being related to the same subject. An infinitive is the base form of a verb preceded by the word "to." A relative pronoun is used to introduce a subordinate clause that provides additional information about a noun.

The correct answer is option C, "phrase." In sentence (ii), the clause "Knowing what the lecture was about" has been transformed into a participial phrase that acts as an adjective modifying the subject "she."