In which of the following sentences doe you find a verb phrase?

A. I shall be all that I am and more
B. June was a collector of memorabilia
C. I believed every word he said.
D. The crowed roared as the bull charged.

Answer is "A"


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To identify a verb phrase in a sentence, we need to look for a combination of a main verb and one or more helping verbs (also known as auxiliary verbs). In this case, we need to analyze each of the given sentences and determine if they contain a verb phrase.

A. "I shall be all that I am and more."
In this sentence, the verb phrase is "shall be." "Shall" is the auxiliary verb (helping verb), and "be" is the main verb.

B. "June was a collector of memorabilia."
This sentence does not contain a verb phrase. The main verb is "was," and it does not have any helping verbs.

C. "I believed every word he said."
This sentence also does not contain a verb phrase. "Believed" is the main verb, and there are no helping verbs.

D. "The crowd roared as the bull charged."
In this sentence, the verb phrase is "roared" and "charged." "Roared" is the main verb, and there are no helping verbs. "Charged" is also a main verb in this sentence.

Therefore, the sentence that contains a verb phrase is A. "I shall be all that I am and more."