which of the following statements is true of the Gulf of Tonkin affair?

a. Johnson approved covert amphibious raid on the north Vietnam

B. congress was divided and only reluctantly passed the gulf of Tonkin resolution

c. the destroyer Maddox was sunk by north Vietnamese gunboats

d. Johnson sought passage of the gulf of Tonkin resolution in order to freely expand American involvement in the Vietnam



No that answer is wrong

no d

its a

it is d most likely d becuse its on my acuming test

and i got an 100 on it so yes

To determine which statement is true of the Gulf of Tonkin affair, let's analyze each statement and go through the process of elimination:

a. Johnson approved covert amphibious raid on North Vietnam: This statement is not directly related to the Gulf of Tonkin incident as it refers to a different action. Therefore, we can eliminate this option.

B. Congress was divided and only reluctantly passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution: This statement is true. The Gulf of Tonkin resolution was passed by the U.S. Congress on August 7, 1964, in response to the alleged attacks on U.S. Navy ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. However, the resolution passed with much debate and division among Congress members, with many reluctantly supporting it. Therefore, this is the correct answer.

c. The destroyer Maddox was sunk by North Vietnamese gunboats: This statement is not accurate. The destroyer USS Maddox did come under attack in the Gulf of Tonkin, but it was not sunk during the incident. The attack on the Maddox and another incident involving the USS Turner Joy led to the U.S. retaliation and the subsequent passing of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution.

d. Johnson sought passage of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution in order to freely expand American involvement in Vietnam: This statement is also true. The Gulf of Tonkin resolution gave President Lyndon B. Johnson broad authority to escalate U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, such as initiating military actions without an official declaration of war from Congress.

In conclusion, the correct statement regarding the Gulf of Tonkin affair is: B. Congress was divided and only reluctantly passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution.