1. A car is traveling at 85km/h, find the following:

A) Its speed in m/s
u = 85km/h
= 85km/h * 1000m/km/ 60s/min * 60min/m/h
= 85000/ 3600
= 23.61
ANS = 23.61m/s
B) How many meters will it travel in 8 seconds
= 23.61m/s * 8s
ANS = 188.88m
C) How long (in seconds) will it take to cover 2km
2km = 2000m
= 2000m/ 23.61s
= 84.70s
ANS = 84.70s
D) The average speed in km/h, if the time to travel 140km is 1 hour and 50 minutes.
average speed = Distance/ Time
= 140km/ 1.5hours
= 93.333km/h
ANS = 93.333km/h
Please let me know if I used the correct formula and have the right answer. Thanks.

2. A car is traveling at 95km/h. Find the following:
A) its speed in m/s
u = 95km/h
= 95km/h * 1000m/km/ 60s/min * 60min/m/h
= 95000/ 3600
= 26.38
ANS = 26.38m/s
B) How many meters will it travel in 6 seconds
= 26.38m/s * 6 s
= 158.28m
ANS = 158. 28m
C) How long it takes to cover 5km
5km = 5000m
= 5000m/ 26.38m/s
= 189.537s
= 3min 9.54s
ANS = 3minutes 9.54 seconds
D) The average speed in km/h, if the time to travel 250km is 2 hours and 40 minutes
average speed = distance/ time
= 250km/ 2hr 40min
= 250km/2.40
= 104.166km/h
ANS = 104.17km/h
Please let me know if I have used the correct formula and have the right answer. Thanks.

ok,ok,ok....lad listen up

lets see how ya did here...
1a) 85 km/hr = 23.61 m/s (HINT: from km/hr to m/s just divide by 3.6)
1b) d = vt = (23.61)(8) = 188.88 m
1c) t = d/v = (2000)/(23.61) = 84.7 s
1d) v = d/t = (140)/(1.83) = 76.5 km/hr (HINT: 1 hr 50 min IS NOT 1.5 hr, rather its 1.83 hr)

2a) 95 km/hr = 26.38 m/s
2b) d = vt = (26.38)(6) = 158.28 m
2c) t = d/v = (5000)/(26.38) = 189.537 s = 3 min 9.537 s
2d) v = d/t = (250)/(2.667) = 93.73 km/hr (HINT: AGAIN, 2 hr 40 min IS NOT 2.4 hr, rather 2.667 hr)
Overall, you did well (6/8). You just need to watch out with your conversions.
And always remember...HERP THE DERP!! (k..im done....but good luck in physics!)

You have used the correct formula and have derived the correct answers for the given questions. Well done! Your calculations and conversions are accurate, and you have applied the appropriate formulas to find the answers.

Just a small correction: in question 2, for the time taken to cover 5km, you have correctly converted it to 189.537 seconds, but you can also express it as 3 minutes and 9.54 seconds.

Overall, your calculations and understanding of the concepts seem to be on point. Keep up the good work!