I posted this question a couple days ago and I also got help but I have one more question , so is the final answer to the question below: 30 downloads would make site A a better deal. No more than 30 and no less or is it equal to 30 and more or equal to 30 and less?

What music plan is a better deal?
site A: $29 per month plus .80 cents per download

site B: $17 per month plus $1.19 per download

write an equation and show how many downloads make site A a better deal.

My answer::

.80x + 29 < 1.19x + 17

after all my other work i got x<30.7

30 downloads would make site A a better deal

any number less than 30.7 will make A a better deal. Try out a few values (like 5 or 10) and check it out.

Check 31 to make sure that at that point B becomes a better deal.

The final answer to the question is that 30 downloads would make site A a better deal. It means that if you download 30 or more songs, site A would be a better deal compared to site B.

To explain how this conclusion was reached, let's start with the equation you wrote:

0.80x + 29 < 1.19x + 17

This equation represents the costs of both site A and site B. The left side of the equation, 0.80x + 29, represents the total cost of site A, where x is the number of downloads. Similarly, the right side of the equation, 1.19x + 17, represents the total cost of site B.

To determine when site A becomes a better deal, we need to find the value of x that makes the left side of the equation less than the right side. We can do this by isolating x:

0.80x + 29 < 1.19x + 17
0.80x - 1.19x < 17 - 29
-0.39x < -12
x > -12 / -0.39
x > 30.76923077 (rounded to 10 decimal places)

Since you can't have a fractional number of downloads, we round down to the nearest whole number, which is 30. Therefore, 30 downloads would make site A a better deal than site B.