Circle the nouns that can be used with the verbs on the right .

Engine-consumption-dependence (reduce)
Solution-dependence-alternative (find)
Energy-crisis-shortage (face)
Rise-advantages -solution (offer )

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To find the nouns that can be used with the given verbs, let's go through each verb one by one.

1. Reduce: Circle the nouns that can be used with "reduce." The nouns Engine, consumption, and dependence can be used with reduce.

2. Find: Circle the nouns that can be used with "find." The nouns Solution, dependence, and alternative can be used with find.

3. Deplete: Circle the nouns that can be used with "deplete." The nouns Resources, technology, and stocks can be used with deplete.

4. Solve: Circle the nouns that can be used with "solve." The nouns Quantity, problems, and question can be used with solve.

5. Face: Circle the nouns that can be used with "face." The nouns Energy, crisis, and shortage can be used with face.

6. Examine: Circle the nouns that can be used with "examine." The nouns Possibility, problems, and century can be used with examine.

7. Offer: Circle the nouns that can be used with "offer." The nouns Rise, advantages, and solution can be used with offer.

So, after circling the nouns for each verb, you should have:

Reduce: Engine, consumption, dependence.
Find: Solution, dependence, alternative.
Deplete: Resources, technology, stocks.
Solve: Quantity, problems, question.
Face: Energy, crisis, shortage.
Examine: Possibility, problems, century.
Offer: Rise, advantages, solution.