In 10-15 lines critically discuss five ways in which crisis and disasters impacts on the community.and also provide relavant sources to support your claims

When discussing the impact of crises and disasters on communities, it's important to note that these effects can vary depending on the nature and scale of the event. However, here are five common ways in which crises and disasters impact communities:

1. Loss of life and injuries: The most immediate and tragic impact of crises and disasters is the loss of lives and the physical injuries they cause. This has long-lasting effects on individuals and families, as well as the community as a whole. Source: (CDC, 2021)

2. Infrastructure damage: Crises and disasters often result in the destruction or damage to critical infrastructure, such as houses, schools, hospitals, and roads. This hampers the community's ability to function and recover, leading to prolonged disruptions. Source: (United Nations Development Programme, 2021)

3. Economic setbacks: Communities rely on businesses and industries for livelihoods. Crises and disasters can disrupt economic activities, leading to widespread job losses, decreased income levels, and increased poverty rates. Source: (World Bank, 2021)

4. Social and psychological impacts: Disaster events induce stress, anxiety, and trauma among individuals within affected communities. This can lead to long-term mental health issues, strained interpersonal relationships, and a decline in community well-being. Source: (National Institute of Mental Health, 2021)

5. Displacement and migration: Crises and disasters often result in forced displacement, where individuals and families are uprooted from their homes and communities. This can strain resources in host communities and create social tensions, while impacting the overall social fabric and sense of belonging. Source: (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2021)

It's important to note that these impacts are not exhaustive, and each crisis or disaster will have its unique consequences. To further explore these impacts and their sources, refer to the following:

CDC. (2021). Emergency Preparedness and Response: Natural Disasters and Severe Weather. Retrieved from:

United Nations Development Programme. (2021). Crisis and Disaster Management. Retrieved from:

World Bank. (2021). Natural Disasters: Understanding the Environmental and Social Impacts. Retrieved from:

National Institute of Mental Health. (2021). Coping with Traumatic Events. Retrieved from:

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (2021). Displacement: The New 21st Century Challenge. Retrieved from: