Do the humps on a camel store water.


it stores food.

Yes, the humps on a camel do not actually store water as many people believe. The humps are actually made up of fat stores that provide energy to the camel when food and water are scarce. The fat in the humps can be broken down and used by the camel's body for nourishment.

If you are interested in learning how to verify this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting an online search using a reliable search engine like Google.
2. Type in the query "Do camel humps store water?" in the search bar.
3. Look for reputable sources such as scientific articles, educational websites, or books that provide information about camel anatomy and physiology.
4. Open a few different sources to gather diverse perspectives and to verify the information across multiple reliable sources.
5. Read through the information to understand the biology and function of camel humps.
6. Look for specific details and evidence that support or debunk the claim that camel humps store water.
7. Critically evaluate the sources and prioritize information from trusted scientific sources or experts in the field.
8. Take note of the information you find and use it to form your understanding of the topic.

Remember, it is always important to verify information from reliable sources to ensure accuracy and avoid spreading misinformation.