Angela has 17 ibs. of ham.How many 6-ounce servings can she make?(remember16 1 pound

(16 * 17) / 6 = ?

Angela has 17 ounces . How many 6 ounce serving she can make. Remember , there are 16 ounces in a pound . Show your work

To find out how many 6-ounce servings Angela can make with 17 pounds of ham, we need to convert the pounds to ounces.

Since 16 ounces is equal to 1 pound, we can multiply 17 (pounds) by 16 to get the total number of ounces.

17 pounds * 16 ounces/pound = 272 ounces

Now, we can divide the total number of ounces (272) by the size of each serving (6 ounces) to find out how many servings Angela can make.

272 ounces / 6 ounces/serving = 45.33 servings

However, Angela cannot have a fraction of a serving, so we need to round down to the nearest whole number since she cannot make a partial serving.

Therefore, Angela can make 45 servings of ham.

To determine the number of 6-ounce servings Angela can make with 17 pounds of ham, you first need to convert the weight from pounds to ounces. Since 16 ounces is equal to 1 pound, multiply 17 by 16 to get the total number of ounces.

17 pounds * 16 ounces/pound = 272 ounces.

Next, divide the total number of ounces by the size of a serving (6 ounces) to find the number of servings.

272 ounces / 6 ounces/serving = 45.33 servings (approximately).

Therefore, Angela can make approximately 45 servings of 6 ounces each with 17 pounds of ham.