Can you show and easy way to show this formula in the form of an equation

Example: a = b × r/100

Certainly! The formula you provided, "a = b × r/100", can be shown as an equation step-by-step.

1. Start with the formula: a = b × r/100
2. Multiply both sides of the equation by 100 to eliminate the fraction: 100a = 100 * (b × r/100)
This step helps get rid of the division by 100.
3. Simplify the right side of the equation: 100a = b × r
When we multiply 100 by (b × r/100), the 100's cancel out, leaving us with just b × r.
4. To make the equation more readable, you can rearrange it by dividing both sides by 100: 100a/100 = (b × r)/100
This step is optional, but it simplifies the equation further.
5. Simplify the left side of the equation: a = (b × r)/100
Dividing 100a by 100 gives you just a.

Therefore, the formula "a = b × r/100" can be shown as the equation "a = (b × r)/100" after simplifying it step-by-step.