1. Hitler became the leader of Germany when?

A. his army staged a coup d'etat against the government
B. the German people elected him president
C. his party won a majority in the Reichstag
D. the president of the Weimar Republic appointed him chancellor
I said D.

2. The British government did not declare war after Hitler took Czechoslovakia, rather it followed a policy of
A. isolation
B. collective security
C. appeasement
D. balance of power
I said A.

3. The new weapon that made trench warfare necessary was
A. the airplane
B. the tank
C. poison gas
D. the machine gun
I said B.

Your first answer is correct. I disagree with your other two answers.



Number 2 and 3 are wrong, 2 is c and 3 is d those ones are correct.

1. The correct answer is D. The president of the Weimar Republic appointed Hitler chancellor. To arrive at this answer, it requires some historical knowledge. Hitler became the leader of Germany on January 30, 1933, when President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him as the chancellor. This was not achieved through a coup d'etat by his army, through an election by the German people, or by winning a majority in the Reichstag.

2. The correct answer is C. The British government followed a policy of appeasement after Hitler took Czechoslovakia. To determine the correct answer, it is important to understand the context of the situation. In the 1930s, many Western powers, including Britain, pursued a policy of appeasement towards Hitler's aggressive actions, hoping to avoid another war. The decision not to declare war after Hitler took Czechoslovakia is an example of this policy.

3. The correct answer is D. The new weapon that made trench warfare necessary was the machine gun. To answer this question, it is important to understand the historical context of World War I. The introduction of the machine gun during this war significantly increased the defensive capabilities of armies, making it incredibly difficult for forces to advance and resulting in the establishment of trench warfare as a defensive strategy. The introduction of airplanes, tanks, and poison gas also had an impact on the war, but it was the machine gun that primarily shaped the necessity for trench warfare.