how do we know that there are 100 trillion cells in our body i mean who count them or is there any activity behind?

The estimation that there are around 100 trillion cells in the human body is based on scientific research and calculations. However, it is important to note that this number can vary depending on individual factors such as age, size, and overall health.

To arrive at this estimate, scientists have used several methods. One common approach is known as cell counting. Researchers take a small sample of tissue or blood and count the number of cells within that sample. They then extrapolate this data to estimate the total number of cells in the body.

Another method is through imaging techniques such as microscopy or tomography. These techniques allow scientists to visualize cells within the body and count them manually or with the help of specialized software.

It's important to remember that counting every single cell in the human body directly would be nearly impossible due to the vast number and the body's complex structure. Therefore, scientists rely on statistical analysis and sampling techniques to estimate the total cell count.

It's also worth noting that the estimation of cell count is continually evolving as new research and techniques emerge. Scientists are constantly refining their understanding of the human body, and estimates of cell count may vary accordingly.