A letter is picked at random from the English alphabet. Find the probability that the letter :

a) Appears in the word GEOMETRY

the word contains 7 unique letters

So, the chance is 7/26 that a random letter is in the word.

A letter of the English alphabet picked at random

To find the probability that a letter appears in the word GEOMETRY, we need to know the total number of available letters in the English alphabet.

Since the English alphabet consists of 26 letters, the probability of any letter appearing in the word GEOMETRY is 1/26 since there is an equal chance of selecting any of the 26 letters.

Therefore, the probability that a letter appears in the word GEOMETRY is 1/26.

To find the probability that a letter appears in a given word, we need to determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

In this case, there are a total of 26 letters in the English alphabet, so the total number of possible outcomes is 26.

Now, let's determine the number of favorable outcomes. The word "GEOMETRY" contains the letters G, E, O, M, T, and R. So, there are 6 favorable outcomes.

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected letter appears in the word GEOMETRY is calculated by dividing the favorable outcomes by the total number of outcomes:

Probability = Favorable outcomes / Total outcomes
= 6 / 26
≈ 0.2308 (or 23.08%)

Hence, the probability that a letter appears in the word GEOMETRY is approximately 0.2308 or 23.08%.