I had to read "Son" by John Updike but i don't understand the summary.

Could you explain the plot summary to me?
Such as initiating event, Rising action, climax, falling action, resolution? and setting?

to read the story, go to google and search 'son by john updike' and click the first link that's from nexuslearning . net


There's an explanation and a really good graphic on this webpage to help you with plot summaries.

Make sure you read the story several times, not just once. Then start trying to identify the parts of the plot.

That was no help at all. I already know what a plot is, I just can't transfer that into the story no matter how many times i read it!!

Updike is very hard to understand, in my opinion. I tried reading something by him once, didn't finish, and never tried to get through any of his other work.



Certainly! "Son" by John Updike is a short story that follows a man named John Simon and his relationship with his son, Richard.

Initiating Event:
The initiating event of the story is when Richard, the son, is diagnosed with a rare, life-threatening illness called Reye's syndrome. This diagnosis sets the story in motion and creates tension within the family.

Rising Action:
In the rising action, we see John Simon struggle with his feelings of fear and helplessness in the face of Richard's illness. He questions his own abilities as a father and feels a sense of guilt for not being able to protect his son. The rising action also reveals John's close bond with his son and his desperate attempts to hold onto their relationship in the midst of Richard's deteriorating health.

The climax occurs when John, in a moment of desperation and frustration, tries to communicate with his son by reading a letter he has written. In this emotional moment, he pours his heart out, expressing his love for Richard and his struggle to understand the situation. This climax is a turning point in their relationship and offers a bittersweet release of emotions.

Falling Action:
Following the climax, the falling action deals with the aftermath of the emotional outpouring. Richard, aware of his father's love and determination, finally breaks through his own emotional barriers and begins to communicate more openly. This newfound connection between father and son brings a sense of closure and relief.

The story concludes with a sense of resolution as the family learns to cope with Richard's illness. They find support in each other and appreciate the preciousness of life, despite its challenges. The resolution suggests a path towards acceptance and resilience.

The story takes place in a hospital and within the family home. The hospital setting reflects the reality of Richard's illness and the continuous medical care he requires. The family home is a space where much of the emotional bonding and internal struggles take place.

To gain a better understanding of the nuances and details of the plot, I recommend reading the story directly. You can find it on the website nexuslearning.net by searching for "Son by John Updike" on Google and clicking on the first link from that source. Reading the story itself will give you a more comprehensive understanding of the plot and the author's writing style.