What is the primary standard for the preparation of silver.

The primary standard for the preparation of silver is called silver nitrate (AgNO3). It is commonly used in laboratory settings for various purposes, such as a reagent, a silver source, or a chemical test agent. Silver nitrate is produced through a simple chemical reaction between silver metal and nitric acid (HNO3). Here's how you can prepare silver nitrate:

1. Begin by wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and safety goggles, to ensure your safety during the handling of chemicals.

2. Take a clean glass container or beaker and add a small amount of distilled water to it. This will act as the solvent for the reaction.

3. Gradually add concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) to the water, stirring constantly. It is important to add the acid to the water, not the other way around, to prevent splashing. Nitric acid is highly corrosive, so handle it with caution.

4. Once the nitric acid is dissolved in the water, add small pieces of pure silver metal (Ag) to the solution. The silver can be in the form of small pellets, a wire, or a strip. Ensure that the silver is of high purity to obtain accurate results.

5. Gently heat the mixture while stirring to facilitate the reaction. Nitric acid will oxidize the silver metal, resulting in the formation of silver nitrate. The reaction produces nitrogen dioxide gas, so carry out this step in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood to avoid inhaling the toxic fumes.

6. Continue to heat and stir the mixture until no further reaction occurs and the silver metal is completely dissolved. This indicates that all the silver has been converted into silver nitrate.

7. Once the reaction is complete, let the solution cool down to room temperature. The silver nitrate solution is now ready for use. It is essential to store it in a dark bottle or container as silver nitrate is light-sensitive.

Remember to handle all chemicals with care and follow proper safety procedures when working in a laboratory or handling hazardous substances.