Verify the identity cot{0-pi/2=-tan 0

use the identities:

sin(π/2)=1, cos(π/2)=0
sin(0)=0, cos(0)=1

I think she means θ when using 0

I'll use x to avoid copy/paste of special characters.

one way:
recall the definition of co-functions: function of complementary angle. So,

cos(x) = sin(pi/2 - x)
cot(x) = tan(pi/2 -x)

so, cot(x-pi/2) = -cot(pi/2 - x) = -tan(x)

or, use cot addition formula:

cot(x-pi/2) = (1+cotx cot pi/2)/(cot pi/2 - cot x) = (1+0)/(0-cotx) = 1/-cotx = -tanx

Thanks Steve, good thought!

To verify the given trigonometric identity cot(0 - π/2) = -tan(0), we can use the definitions of cotangent and tangent.

The cotangent function can be defined as the reciprocal of the tangent function: cot(x) = 1/tan(x).

Let's evaluate the left side of the identity, cot(0 - π/2):

1. Substitute x = 0 - π/2 into the cotangent function: cot(0 - π/2) = 1/tan(0 - π/2).

2. Recall that tan(x - π/2) = -cot(x), which means that tan(0 - π/2) = -cot(0):

cot(0 - π/2) = 1/(-cot(0)).

3. Rewrite cot(0) as 1/tan(0):

cot(0 - π/2) = 1/(-(1/tan(0))) = -tan(0).

Therefore, the left side of the identity, cot(0 - π/2), is equal to the right side, -tan(0). Hence, the given identity is verified.