Drug addication occurs when:

a.an individual will lie about it.


Do you mean addiction? What are your other choices?

Drug addiction occurs when an individual develops a compulsive and uncontrollable dependency on drugs. It is characterized by a strong craving for the substance, loss of control over drug use, and persistent drug-seeking behavior despite negative consequences.

The statement you provided, "an individual will lie about it," is one potential characteristic or behavior that may be associated with drug addiction, but it alone does not define or determine addiction. Many individuals struggling with addiction may resort to lying or deceptive behavior to hide their substance abuse from others or to justify their use. This behavior often stems from feelings of shame, guilt, or fear of judgment or consequences.

To understand and diagnose drug addiction, it is important to consider a comprehensive set of criteria. These criteria may include physical and psychological dependence, tolerance (needing more of the drug to achieve the same effect), withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped, failed attempts to quit or cut back, neglecting responsibilities or relationships due to drug use, and persistently using drugs despite negative consequences.

If you suspect that someone may be struggling with drug addiction, it is important to encourage them to seek professional help from healthcare providers, addiction specialists, or support groups.