Name the first president to die in office (while president).


I am not sure if

William Henry Harrison was the first president to die in office (while president)

my answer is William Henry Harrison

do you agree ?

Certainly! The first president to die in office was President William Henry Harrison. Here's how you can find the answer yourself:

1. Start by searching for a list of U.S. presidents. You can do this by using a search engine like Google and typing in "list of U.S. presidents."

2. Once you find a reliable source that lists all the U.S. presidents, look for the specific dates of their presidencies.

3. Identify the presidents who served during the time period you are researching. In this case, we are looking for the first president to die in office, so we need to focus on the early presidents.

4. Carefully go through the list, noting the dates of presidency and the fate of each president. Look for any president who died while in office.

5. Upon reaching the presidency of William Henry Harrison, you will find that he died in office on April 4, 1841, just 32 days into his term.

So, the first president to die in office was William Henry Harrison.