ABC is a triangle with a right angle at

A.M and N are points on BC such that AM is the altitude, and AN is the
angle bisector of ∠BAC. If CN/NB=21,what is CM/MB?

Have been working on it, hard sketch to make, unless I am missing something.

so far I have:
BC = 22
AB = √242/29
AC = 41√242/29
sin (angle ANC) = exactly 22/29
(when I sketched this, it made no sense)

will not be able to get back to it until tonight, if you have the patience to wait.

I have a solution, but what a mess.

Before I type it all out, let me know if you still need the solution. I certainly don't feel like typing it all out unless you will actually look at it.

Yes please Reiny. It would help me a lot. Thanks! :)

To find CM/MB, we need to first understand the properties of the angle bisector and the altitude in a right-angled triangle.

In a triangle, the angle bisector divides the opposite side into segments that are proportional to the adjacent sides. This property is known as the Angle Bisector Theorem.

Therefore, we have AN/NB = AC/CB.

Similarly, the altitude of a right-angled triangle forms two similar right-angled triangles with the original triangle. This property allows us to establish the following relationship:


Since AM is the altitude and AN is the angle bisector, we can combine these two relationships as follows:


Given that CN/NB = 21, we can substitute this value into the equation:

AM/MB = AN/NB = AC/CB = AN/(21).

To find CM/MB, we need to express CM in terms of AM and MB. Since AM and CM make up the entire side AC, we have:

AM + CM = AC.

Rearranging this equation, we can express CM in terms of AM and MB:

CM = AC - AM = CB - MB.

Substituting this value into the equation, we get:

AM/MB = AN/(21) = (CB - MB)/(21).

Now, let's solve for CM/MB:

CM/MB = (CB - MB)/(21MB).

Simplifying the equation, we have:

CM/MB = CB/(21MB) - 1/21.

Since we know that CN/NB = 21, we can substitute CN = 21NB to get:

CM/MB = (CN + NB)/(21MB) - 1/21.

Now, substituting CN = AC - AN and NB = AC - AN into the equation, we have:

CM/MB = [(AC - AN) + (AC - AN)]/(21MB) - 1/21.

Since AC = AM + CM, we can substitute this value and simplify further:

CM/MB = [(AM + CM - AN) + (AM + CM - AN)]/(21MB) - 1/21.

Simplifying, we get:

CM/MB = (2AM - 2AN)/(21MB) - 1/21.

Finally, we can simplify this expression further by dividing both terms by 2:

CM/MB = AM/21MB - AN/21MB - 1/21.

Therefore, CM/MB can be expressed as:

CM/MB = (AM - AN)/(21MB) - 1/21.

This is the final expression for CM/MB in terms of AM, AN, and MB, given that CN/NB = 21.