Exhibit a behaviour that you do every day that you think is influenced by heredity and environment. Describe how three of the seven modern perspectives/approaches of psychology would be used to explain your behavior. Make sure that your discussion is not too personal in nature. You have to use sociocultural, behavioural, and evolutionary perspectives also

Seven approaches are
Psychodynamic (from the psychoanalytic perspective)
Sociocultural (defined as how society and culture influence behaviour
Neuroscience/Biological (defined as how genes, the nervous system and physiological processes influence behaviour)

I volunteer as a tutor on this board. My intelligence is inherited, but my environment encourages me to help others.

What behavior do you have that comes from environment and heredity?


One behavior that I engage in every day, which is influenced by heredity and environment, is my preference for socializing. I enjoy interacting with others and seeking out social connections. Let's discuss how three of the seven modern perspectives/approaches of psychology (sociocultural, behavioral, and evolutionary) can be used to explain this behavior.

1. Sociocultural Perspective: This perspective emphasizes how society and culture influence behavior. From a sociocultural perspective, my preference for socializing can be attributed to the social norms and values that I have been exposed to throughout my life. Growing up in a family, community, and culture that values interpersonal connections and places importance on social interaction can contribute to my inclination to socialize.

2. Behavioral Perspective: The behavioral perspective focuses on how behaviors are shaped by conditioning and environmental factors. In this case, my preference for socializing can be explained through the principles of conditioning. Positive reinforcement and rewards that I have received in social interactions, such as gaining friendship, support, and enjoyment, have strengthened this behavior. Moreover, observing others engaging in social activities and experiencing positive outcomes might have influenced me to adopt similar behaviors.

3. Evolutionary Perspective: The evolutionary perspective examines how behavior is influenced by factors related to adaptation and survival. From an evolutionary standpoint, the preference for socializing can be explained as a result of our evolutionary history as social beings. Humans are social animals, and throughout our evolutionary journey, the ability to form social bonds and alliances has been crucial for our survival and overall reproductive success. Therefore, the inclination to socialize may be an innate trait shaped by natural selection.

In summary, using the sociocultural perspective, we can consider how societal and cultural values promote social connections. The behavioral perspective highlights the role of conditioning and environmental factors in reinforcing my preference for socializing. Lastly, the evolutionary perspective explains the innate inclination to interact and form social bonds as a result of our evolutionary history.