An advertising agency conducted a survey and found that the number of units sold, N, is related to the amount a spent on advertising (in dollars) by the following formula:

N = 1,500 + 200 ln a (a ¡Ý 1)How many units are sold after spending $1,000? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)

just plug in a=1000:

N = 1500 + 200 ln1000 = 2882

An advertising agency conducted a survey and found that the number of units sold, N, is related to the amount a spent on advertising (in dollars) by the following formula:

N = 6,500 + 200 ln a (a ≥ 1)
How many units are sold after spending $1,000? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)



To calculate the number of units sold after spending $1,000 on advertising, we will substitute the value of a = 1,000 into the formula provided.

N = 1,500 + 200 ln a

Substituting a = 1,000:

N = 1,500 + 200 ln 1,000

Now we need to evaluate the natural logarithm (ln) of 1,000 using a calculator.

ln 1,000 ≈ 6.9078

Substituting this value back into the equation:

N = 1,500 + 200(6.9078)

N ≈ 1,500 + 1,381.6

N ≈ 2,881.6

Rounding this number to the nearest whole number, the number of units sold after spending $1,000 on advertising is approximately 2,882.