The spread of the factory system resulted in: A. an increase in home production

B. increased exports of British cotton good
C. poorer quality of iron
D. improved working conditions in factories.

The industrial Revolution created new jobs in all of the following expect:
A. railroad construction
B. coal mining
C. factory production
D. farming

I'll be glad to check your answers.

To answer the first question, we need to understand the concept of the factory system and its impact. The factory system refers to the transition from manual labor to machine-based manufacturing, which occurred during the Industrial Revolution.

A. An increase in home production is unlikely to be the result of the spread of the factory system. Instead, the factory system was designed to centralize production in large-scale facilities.
B. Increased exports of British cotton goods are a possible outcome of the factory system. With the mechanization of textile production, the British cotton industry expanded and started exporting goods to other countries.
C. There is no evidence to suggest that the spread of the factory system led to a poorer quality of iron. In fact, the factory system allowed for more efficient and standardized production, which could have contributed to improved quality.
D. Improved working conditions in factories are less likely to be a direct result of the spread of the factory system. Initially, working conditions in factories during the early stages of industrialization were often harsh and dangerous.

Therefore, the answer to the first question is B. Increased exports of British cotton goods.

To answer the second question, we need to consider the new job opportunities created by the Industrial Revolution.

A. Railroad construction experienced significant growth during this period as railways were built to facilitate industrialization.
B. Coal mining became crucial for fueling steam engines and providing energy for industrial processes. It created numerous job opportunities.
C. Factory production expanded rapidly with the introduction of the factory system. With the rise of manufacturing industries, there was a demand for workers in factories.
D. Farming is the exception as it saw a decline in job opportunities during industrialization. With the migration of people from rural areas to cities for factory work, agriculture became increasingly mechanized, resulting in fewer jobs in farming.

Therefore, the answer to the second question is D. Farming.