You can paddle at 4.5 km/h and the river is

flowing at 3 km/h.
How far downstream will you be in 44 min?
Answer in units of km

use vector addition to determine your average velocity and then use that to determine the distance you covered in 44min with that velocity.

To determine how far downstream you will be in 44 minutes, you need to consider the combined effect of your paddling speed and the speed of the river flow.

First, let's convert the time from minutes to hours since the given paddling and river speeds are in kilometers per hour.

44 minutes is equal to 44/60 = 0.7333 hours.

Next, calculate the net velocity, which is the difference between your paddling speed and the speed of the river flow. In this case, the net velocity is:

Net Velocity = Paddling Speed - River Flow Speed
= 4.5 km/h - 3 km/h
= 1.5 km/h

Now, multiply the net velocity by the time to calculate the distance traveled downstream:

Distance Downstream = Net Velocity * Time
= 1.5 km/h * 0.7333 hours
≈ 1.09995 km

Thus, you will be approximately 1.1 km downstream after 44 minutes.