two institutions/community organizations that are involved in redressing teenage pregnancy

Two institutions or community organizations that are involved in redressing teenage pregnancy are:

1. Planned Parenthood: Planned Parenthood is a prominent institution that advocates for reproductive health and provides comprehensive sex education and healthcare services to individuals of all ages, including teenagers. They offer resources for preventing unplanned pregnancies, counseling and support for pregnant teenagers, as well as information on adoption and parenting options.

To connect with Planned Parenthood, you can visit their official website and explore their Teen Pregnancy section. They provide educational materials, articles, and information on local clinics where teenagers can receive confidential and nonjudgmental healthcare services.

2. National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy: The National Campaign is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing teenage and unplanned pregnancies in the United States. They work to increase awareness, advocate for evidence-based policy changes, and provide resources to communities and professionals involved in preventing and addressing teenage pregnancy.

You can access the National Campaign's website, which offers a wealth of information for teenagers, parents, educators, and healthcare providers. They provide resources such as research reports, effective program models, and educational materials that focus on promoting responsible behavior, contraception use, and healthy relationships.

Both Planned Parenthood and the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy are valuable resources for individuals seeking information, support, and guidance in addressing teenage pregnancy.