There are 6 members in a club and only 4 computers.Club meets for 60 minutes. Each member wants equal computer time. How much time should each student have?

time each=available time/number folks

=60*4/6=40 min

Well, when it comes to sharing computers, it's all about finding a balance. If you ask me, the only fair solution is to let each student have their own personal computer... but sadly, that's not possible here.

Since you have 6 members and only 4 computers, we can't expect everyone to have an equal amount of computer time. However, we can divide the available time equally among them.

If the club meets for 60 minutes, and you have 6 members, then each member would ideally get 10 minutes of computer time. Of course, this means some people may have to share a computer or take turns, but hey, it's better than nothing! So, 10 minutes of computer time per student it is!

To determine how much time each student should have, we need to divide the total duration of the club meeting by the number of students.

Step 1: Determine the total computer time available
Since there are only 4 computers, the total computer time available is 4 computers * 60 minutes = 240 minutes.

Step 2: Divide the total computer time by the number of students
To find the time each student should have, divide the total computer time by the number of students.
240 minutes / 6 members = 40 minutes

Each student should have 40 minutes of computer time.

To find out how much time each student should have with the available computers, we need to divide the total duration of the club meeting by the number of computers.

Here's how you can calculate it:

Step 1: Count the number of computers available, which is 4.
Step 2: Divide the total duration of the club meeting, which is 60 minutes, by the number of computers.
60 minutes ÷ 4 computers = 15 minutes

Therefore, each student should have 15 minutes of computer time to ensure equal distribution among the 6 members of the club.