A car rental agency advertised renting s car for %26.95 per day and @0.34 per mile. If David rents this car for 4 days how many whole miles can he drive on a $150 budget?

4($26.95) + $.34m = $150

Solve for m.

To find out how many whole miles David can drive on a $150 budget, we need to calculate the cost of renting the car for 4 days and then subtract that from the total budget.

First, let's calculate the cost of renting the car for 4 days. The rental cost per day is $26.95, so for 4 days, it would be:

4 days * $26.95/day = $107.80

Next, we need to calculate the maximum amount David can spend on mileage. The cost per mile is $0.34, and we need to find how many miles he can drive within the budget of $150.

Maximum mileage cost = $150 - Rental cost for 4 days

Maximum mileage cost = $150 - $107.80

Maximum mileage cost = $42.20

To find the maximum number of whole miles David can drive within this budget, we need to divide the maximum mileage cost by the cost per mile:

Maximum mileage = Maximum mileage cost / Cost per mile

Maximum mileage = $42.20 / $0.34

Maximum mileage ≈ 124.12 miles

However, David can only drive whole miles, so the maximum number of whole miles he can drive on a $150 budget is 124 miles.