A squirrel is moving at a speed of 15 feet per second. At this rate, how long will it take the squirrel to travel one mile? Convert answer into minutes, to the nearest tenth.

5,280 / 15 = 352

352/60 = 5.8666 = 5.9 minutes

To find out how long it will take the squirrel to travel one mile, we first need to convert the distance from miles to feet because the squirrel's speed is given in feet per second.

There are 5,280 feet in one mile. So, to find the time it takes for the squirrel to travel one mile, we divide the distance (5,280 feet) by the speed (15 feet per second):

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 5280 feet / 15 feet per second

Simplifying the equation gives us:

Time = 352 seconds

To convert this time into minutes, we divide by 60 since there are 60 seconds in one minute:

Time (in minutes) = 352 seconds / 60 seconds per minute

Time (in minutes) = 5.87 minutes

Rounded to the nearest tenth, it will take the squirrel approximately 5.9 minutes to travel one mile.