Can you help me with this problem please... 3y+5(y-3)+8


3y + 5y - 15 + 8

8y - 7

Thank you very much Ms. Sue!!

You're welcome, Erica.

Of course! I can help you with that. The expression you've given is 3y + 5(y - 3) + 8. To simplify it, we need to apply the distributive property and combine like terms.

Starting with the 5(y - 3) part, we can distribute the 5 to both terms inside the parentheses:

5(y - 3) = 5 * y - 5 * 3 = 5y - 15

Now, let's substitute this back into the original expression:

3y + 5y - 15 + 8

Next, we combine like terms, which means adding together the coefficients of the same variable. In this case, we have 3y and 5y:

(3y + 5y) - 15 + 8

Combining these similar terms gives us:

8y - 15 + 8

Finally, we can simplify further by combining the constant terms:

8y - 15 + 8 = 8y - 7

So, the simplified expression is 8y - 7.