Cantaloupe is priced at $0.69 per pound. If a cantaloupe weighs 3.241 pounds, how much will it cost? Round to the nearest cent.

3.241 * 0.69 = $2.23629 = $2.24

To find the cost of the cantaloupe, we need to multiply the weight of the cantaloupe by the price per pound.

Step 1: Multiply the weight of the cantaloupe (3.241 pounds) by the price per pound ($0.69):

3.241 pounds * $0.69/pound = $2.23429

Step 2: Round the result to the nearest cent.

Since the next digit after the hundredth place (9) is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, the cost of the cantaloupe is $2.23.

So, the cantaloupe will cost approximately $2.23.