A pen costs twice as much as a pencil. If Susan spends $ 1.50 for a pen and a pencil, how much does a pencil cost ?

Let x = pencil price, then 2x = pen price.

x + 2x = $1.50

Solve for x.

the answer is $0.75

First find the cost of pencils


To find out how much a pencil costs, we first need to understand the relationship between the cost of a pen and a pencil.

Let's assume the cost of a pencil is x dollars. Since the pen costs twice as much as the pencil, the cost of the pen would be 2x dollars.

According to the problem, Susan spent $1.50 on a pen and a pencil. So, we can now create an equation using the given information:

2x + x = $1.50

Combining like terms, we get:

3x = $1.50

Now we solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

x = $1.50 / 3

Using a calculator, we find:

x = $0.50

Therefore, a pencil costs $0.50.