Suppose a and b are positive integers satisfying 1≤a≤31, 1≤b≤31 such that the polynomial P(x)=x3−ax2+a2b3x+9a2b2 has roots r, s, and t.

Given that there exists a positive integer k such that (r+s)(s+t)(r+t)=k2, compute the maximum possible value of ab.




To find the maximum possible value of ab, we need to maximize both a and b.

Given that a and b are positive integers satisfying 1≤a≤31 and 1≤b≤31, let's begin by finding the roots of the polynomial P(x) and expressing them in terms of a and b.

The polynomial P(x) has roots r, s, and t, which means that P(x) can be factored as P(x) = (x-r)(x-s)(x-t).

Expanding this expression, we get P(x) = x^3 - (r+s+t)x^2 + (rs+st+rt)x - rst.

Comparing coefficients of P(x) with the given polynomial P(x) = x^3 - ax^2 + a^2b^3x + 9a^2b^2, we can equate the coefficients of corresponding powers of x to get the following equations:

1) -(r+s+t) = a
2) rs+st+rt = a^2b^3
3) -rst = 9a^2b^2

From equation 1), we can write r+s+t = -a.

Now, let's consider the given expression (r+s)(s+t)(r+t) and substitute the values of r+s and t+r in terms of a:

(r+s)(s+t)(r+t) = (-a)(s+t)(r+t).

This simplifies to -(a)(s+t)(r+t).

Now, substituting the value of s+t = -(r+a), we get:

-(a)(s+t)(r+t) = -(a)(-(r+a))(r+t) = a(r+a)(r+t).

Now, we need to maximize the value of a(r+a)(r+t). To do so, we need to select the maximum value for a and choose the corresponding values for r and t that satisfy the given conditions.

Since 1≤a≤31, let's choose a = 31 as the maximum possible value.

Substituting a = 31 in the equation a(r+a)(r+t), we get:


Now, the goal is to maximize the value of b, which is a positive integer satisfying 1≤b≤31.

Since a and b are both positive integers, we want the value of b to be as small as possible to maximize ab.

Therefore, we choose b = 1 as the minimum possible value satisfying the given conditions.

Substituting b = 1 in the expression 31(r+31)(r+t), we get:

31(r+31)(r+t) = 31(r+31)(r+t).

Since we want to maximize ab, we maximize the value of r+31 and r+t.

For the maximum values of r+31 and r+t, we choose r = 31, so r+31 = 62.

Substituting r = 31 in the expression 31(r+31)(r+t), we get:

31(31+31)(31+t) = 31(62)(31+t).

To maximize the value of ab, we want to minimize the value of (31+t).

Since 1≤b≤31, we choose b = 1, so t = b - 1 = 0.

Substituting t = 0 in the expression 31(62)(31+t), we get:

31(62)(31+0) = 31(62)(31) = 58502.

Therefore, the maximum possible value of ab is 58502.