-Estimate the total binding energy for copper?

in MeV

-Estimate the energy, in joules, needed to break a 3.0g copper penny into its constituent nucleons?

E= in Joulea

Please help me I am confused...thanks

I suggest you use the curve of binding energy. You can find it at


The binding energy of copper, relative to its separated nucleons, is about 8.7 MeV per nucleon. A copper atom has 63 nucleons.

To estimate the total binding energy for copper, we need to consider the average binding energy per nucleon for copper. The average binding energy per nucleon for copper is around 8.5 MeV.

Copper has an atomic mass of approximately 63.55 g/mol. Since 1 mole contains Avogadro's number of atoms (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol), we can calculate the number of copper atoms in 3.0 grams using the following equation:

Number of atoms = (mass in grams / atomic mass) x Avogadro's number

Number of atoms = (3.0 g / 63.55 g/mol) x 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol

Now, to estimate the total binding energy, we multiply the number of atoms by the average binding energy per nucleon:

Total binding energy = Number of atoms x Average binding energy per nucleon

Total binding energy = (Number of atoms) x (Average binding energy per nucleon) = (Number of atoms) x (8.5 MeV)

To calculate the total binding energy in MeV, we can leave the answer as it is.

To estimate the energy needed to break a 3.0g copper penny into its constituent nucleons (protons and neutrons), we can use the concept of the binding energy.

The total energy needed to break the copper penny is equal to the total binding energy of copper multiplied by the number of copper atoms in the penny.

First, calculate the number of copper atoms using the equation we used earlier:

Number of atoms = (3.0 g / 63.55 g/mol) x 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol

Then, calculate the total energy needed to break the penny:

Total energy = (Number of atoms) x (Average binding energy per nucleon)

To convert the energy from MeV to joules, we can use the conversion factor of 1 MeV = 1.6 x 10^-13 joules.

Total energy (in joules) = (Total energy in MeV) x (1.6 x 10^-13 joules/MeV)

Sure, I can help you with that! Let's break down the questions step by step.

1. Estimating the total binding energy for copper in MeV:
The total binding energy is the energy that holds the nucleons (protons and neutrons) together in the nucleus of an atom. To estimate the binding energy for copper, we can use the semi-empirical mass formula (SEMF) which relates the binding energy to the mass number (A) of the nucleus.

The formula for the binding energy (BE) is:
BE = a1 * A - a2 * A^(2/3) - a3 * (Z^2 / A^(1/3)) - a4 * (A - 2Z)^2 / A + a5 / A^(1/2)

In this formula, Z represents the atomic number, a1, a2, a3, a4, and a5 are empirical constants determined through experimental data.

For copper, Z (atomic number) is 29, and A (mass number) is 63.54 (rounded to the nearest whole number).

Now, let's estimate the binding energy of copper. Keep in mind that these values are approximate since the SEMF is an empirical model.

2. Estimating the energy needed to break a 3.0g copper penny into its constituent nucleons in joules:
To estimate the energy needed, we can use Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2, where E is the energy, m is the mass, and c is the speed of light.

First, we need to convert the mass of the copper penny from grams to kilograms because the SI unit of mass is kilograms.

Now, let's estimate the energy required.

Keep in mind that these estimations are based on simplified models and assumptions. In reality, obtaining precise values may require more complex calculations and experimental measurements.