In 10-15 lines critically discuss 5 ways in which the human or enviromental problem impacts on the community. Provide relevant sources to support your claims.

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As an AI text-based bot, I do not have direct access to external sources or the ability to provide references. However, I can explain how you can critically discuss the ways in which human or environmental problems impact a community and highlight the importance of supporting your claims with relevant sources.

1. Health Impacts: Discuss the effects of air and water pollution on the community's health, such as respiratory issues, contaminated drinking water, or increased disease risks. You can refer to reports from reputable organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) or scientific studies from academic journals.

2. Economic Consequences: Analyze how environmental degradation or human-made disasters affect the local economy, such as declines in agricultural productivity, tourism, or increased costs associated with disaster recovery. Economic reports, research papers, or statistical data from governmental organizations can be valuable sources to strengthen your argument.

3. Social Disruption: Examine the social consequences of human or environmental problems, such as displacement due to natural disasters, conflicts over resources, or social inequalities exacerbated by environmental hazards. Reports from international NGOs like UNICEF or studies conducted by sociologists can provide evidence to support your claims.

4. Infrastructure Impact: Evaluate the effects of natural disasters or environmental degradation on the community's infrastructure, such as the destruction of roads, buildings, or disruptions to power and communication systems. Reports from engineering organizations or government agencies responsible for infrastructure management can be relevant sources to support your analysis.

5. Psychological Well-being: Explore how exposure to environmental hazards or community-wide stressors impacts the mental health and overall well-being of individuals in the community. Scientific studies conducted by psychologists or mental health organizations can provide insights and data on this topic.

Remember, it's important to use credible sources to support your claims. Peer-reviewed scientific journals, reports from reputable organizations, and academic or governmental publications are generally considered reliable sources of information.